Whether you are in the food, chemical, pharmaceutical or manufacturing industry, a granular filling machine is a useful tool for speeding up your production line. They can fill granules like sugar and salt into containers.
There are several different types of granular filling machines, and the type you choose will depend on what you want to fill. Some machines can fill a wide range of products, while others are specialized in filling only powders.
A granular filling machine will ensure that your product is packaged in a safe and effective manner. These machines are built from stainless steel and are designed to work reliably and efficiently. They are also easy to maintain. The Rotary Filling Machine is a reliable, efficient and versatile solution for dry and powdered products. It can handle a wide range of product types and volumes, and offer unprecedented control over filling speed.
Auger Fillers are designed to fill containers at a high speed and to level them during the continuous process. These machines are built with food-grade stainless steel parts to ensure that your product remains intact. They are also ideal for filling small candies, flowers, and granules.
Depending on your production rate and product, you can choose between an automatic, semi-automatic, or fully-automatic granular filling machine. All machines are built to be easy to operate and maintain, and are safe for use.
Another type of filling machine is a jar/tin can filler, which fills powders and liquids. These machines are designed to package low to high viscosity liquids.